
Hi visitors,

Here is where I upload some of my work so you can have an idea of my drawing style.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Another recent job

A recent request for a fellow who likes to play golf when time permits. With some subtle work related personal messages embedded into the drawing.
Enjoy Graham.

Guinness World Record attempt update

Hi all,

Still awaiting Guinness as it will still be a few weeks till they get through verifying our marathonWorld Record atttempt. They have all the documentation, photos and video that they need. We will keep you up to date.
In the mean time here is a recently completed job.

The client approached me via email asking for a wedding caricature as they were coming up to their first wedding anniversary which is paper. What better way to celebrate than with a caricature on paper. Congrats Andrew on your first year.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Guinness World Record Attempt in Canberra

Hello All,
The World Record for Longest Marathon Drawing Caricatures [individual] is currently held by Gary Javier from Puerto Rico. Currently the record stands at 48 hours. We will attempt to beat that starting on Tuesday August 19th and finishing on Thursday Augsut 21st. A total time of 50 hours. I will be doing live caricaturing in the foyer of the Canberra Hospital which is off Hospital Road in Garran, ACT. We will need participants to have a fun caricature drawn so please turn up and we are always after volunteers as for the record to be accredited their are protocols we need to follow and we need volunteers to help oversea them. Nothing arduous primarily watching me draw as a witness. Contact us on cbyc.gwrattempt@gmail

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Great Ball Work Boys

A caricature of three athletes who have done very well recently.
Patty Mills from the San Antonio Spurs.
Trent Hodkinson from the NSW Blues Rugby League Team.
Tim Cahill from the Australian Socceroos.

Drawn with pencil, ink, smudging and a little bit of computer :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


No Pressure for PM Tony Abbott and the Treasurer, Joe Hockey as they bring down their first Budget on the 13th May.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

the Cambridges

Great having the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stay with us for a couple of days. And wasn't Prince George a great chap.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Self Caricature, gulp :)

Latest self caricature.
 I had no idea I was this good looking.